Star trek online gameplay
Star trek online gameplay

star trek online gameplay

Look in the Star Trek Online directory, there are individual log files that are produced each time there is any error during game run and stored there in the top > ERRORS_year-month-day_time.txt, PACKET_year-month-day_time.txt, pct_year-month-day_time.txt (patching?), debug. A command prompt console should come up that will bring up some very valuable information about the issue. Go to the properties of the Star Trek Online shortcut and add at the end of target the following:Īfterwards, start up Star Trek Online using the shortcut. Go to Star Trek Online.exe and make a shortcut. Go to the directory you have Star Trek Online installed in your computer.

star trek online gameplay

To get deep into troubleshooting your STO game. Here is link to Microsoft DirectX download page. Read this before Posting to STO Arcgames forum. Read the sticky thread on the official forum, "Read this before Posting to STO Arcgames forum." It was released for Microsoft Windows on February 2, 2010. In this game, Players command their star ship within the vast Star Trek universe and can also complete ground missions. STO features story-driven gameplay that largely follows the Star Trek canon. Many problems with the game stem from poor or faulty Network connection between your computer and the game servers. Star Trek Online is an epic 3D sci-fi MMORPG based on the popular Star Trek franchise.


How to get technical help on the STO Arcgames forum. The official STO forum troubleshooting section. There is a DXSETUP.exe in _CommonRedist folder inside of the STO folder.


You might need to get a DirectX install file from Microsoft website. At the comand line, type " dxdiag " and run the dxdiag tool to check your DirectX version and function. Try it but change to DX11 or DX10 when you have any trouble. Running STO with Direct3D X12 is causing problems with many users. Force the use of Direct3D X11 in the STO launcher by entering in the Command Line of the launcher Options, type " -d3d11 " Make sure you are Running STO on an 64 bit operating system. Important Game files exes in the Star Trek Online folder Make sure your anti-malware program active defenses is not interferring with the STO game files. Make sure all the game's exes are in your PC's Firewall exceptions. Use Force Verify in the STO launcher Options to check the files integrity in STO, when you have troubles. Use Safe Mode in the STO launcher Options, when you have troubles. Use the troubleshooting compatibility options in Windows OS. Make sure you are running the game as Administrator or account with administrator rights. Shadows Advance, the latest season for Star Trek Online, is available now on PC and will arrive on consoles in March.Captains will play the Mirror version of their own characters.

Star trek online gameplay